Tags : compliance

The Importance of CPPOB in Indonesia

In industries involving food and consumer products, every company must be able to comply with applicable regulations by taking a due diligence test to obtain a distribution permit or Izin Edar (IE). Although it sounds difficult, actually, the process of getting IE is quite easy. Every company must be able to ensure that every product […]Read More

Should You Get Halal Certification for Your Business?

Halal certification has become increasingly important in the food industry, as consumers and companies alike seek out the guarantee that their food products and ingredients are free of prohibited substances, such as pork or alcohol. If you’re wondering whether you should get halal certification for your business, this guide can help! In it, we’ll discuss the […]Read More

What Is ISO 27001 And Why Do You Need It?

In the contemporary world, data is pivotal for all types of companies. They store enormous volumes of data for the purpose of analysis. This data cover almost every aspect related to the respective business and includes data about clients, employees, past employees, IP or Intellectual property. Moreover, companies also collect data about the communications and […]Read More